Monday, September 1, 2008

Andrew and Brown Bear....

Friday as I was picking Andrew up from school he was carrying a little canvas bag with a teddybear looking out the top. He was all excited to tell me all about Brown Bear and how it was his turn to bring him home. Every child in class has the chance to bring him home for a least 1 day, but we got him on friday. He's one lucky bear to spend a 3 day weekend at our house. Today we got to read the book that Brown Bear came home with. I read it a few times and Andrew said he wanted to read it to me...AAAWWW. So I grabbed the camera and got a picture in plus a video of him reading....It's 2 cute!!! I hope you enjoy the story. I'm gonna watch it again so I can cry....I'm trying to get it to load on here but having troubles....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I liked the take home bear!!! That's a really fun idea for the little they get to read a special book...thatis cool!!