Monday, October 6, 2008

Andrew's 1st ever birthday party for a friend from school....

They had the party at a great place called IT'Z. I posted last month about that place and the CTU day we attended. Joshua turned 6...all I hear now is "Mommy, when do I turn 6?" I told him in a's only 5 months away. We had a blast. They have a ride called the Kite Rider....I finally got on after the 3rd time visiting. I had a blast....

I took pictures of Andrew, Joshua and MJ. Even Mrs. Quintana came to the party with her daughter. She is expecting her second child in February if I am thinking right and she told me today they are having another girl and they are excited!!! She is such a sweetheart and Andrew just loves her. Here is a few more pictures of the fun that we least till my EX- SISTER IN LAW showed up. That stupid B*#^H!!!!

Joshua, Mrs. Quintana and her daughter

Joshua, Andrew and MJ eattin cake.....

The EVIL EX SISTER IN LAW!!!!! See, even her eyes glow!!! She was with the little girl in the picture...her step daughter.

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