Saturday, October 25, 2008

Anthony and his newest Chess Trophy!!!

Our Coach holds small tournaments every month for the kids in order to get them ready for outside tournaments. Last month AJ got a ribbon and only the top 5 got trophys....same as this time. Anthony and his friends kick butt last night and I am SO very proud of them. Anthony finished 4th, Philip finished 2nd and Blake finished 1st!!! They have 2 tournaments in November on the 8th and 22nd. And they are getting excited for them. Here are a few pictures of the fun last night.....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nothing much going on....

We have been busy for the past 2 weeks till this week. We have been getting the boys ready to head back to school and they are getting used to the long days at school again. I think 2 weeks off at once is 2 long for them and me too. Andrew was very excited about starting back but AJ was not as thrilled as his brother. He has 2 new classes this quarter. His last 2 were Gym and Tech Ed and now he is in Computers and then DRAMA!!! He was mad that he has to take the Drama class but I reminded him it's only for 2 months and it will be over before he knows it. He does have a few friends in that class so I hope that helps.

I am now going to volunteer in Andrews class 1 day a week, every Tuesday morning till about noon. It will be nice and Andrew can't wait!! I also volunteered to help out with Andrews Fall Party on the 31st. We went out to eat with Mom, Chris and Caleb last night at Fargo's Pizza and then off to Walmart to get outfits. AJ is not sure if hes gonna go trick or treating this year or not. Andrew is going to be Batman for 2 years in a row...UGH!!! Caleb picked out Iron Man!! I can't wait to take and post those pictures.

Here are the ones I took at dinner last night...

Marshall is still hangin in there. He did get a little bit of energy this week and we got the light changed out that was above the sink area. Last year we bought the light bar and globes but just never got the chance to put it up till now. The nasty old light was a big round globe light, but now the area looks alot nicer....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sears Pictures

Anthony and his #12...Cute!!
Us crazy Bradley's.....
All of the gang...
This one is WAY 2 cute!!!!
Andrew and his #6...
Caleb and his #4
Chris and Caleb....

Happy 4th Birthday Caleb!!!

Yesterday was Caleb's Birthday and what a VERY busy day we had LOT's of fun!!! We got up early and went to Cracker Barrel for Breakfast then off to Sears to get Family pictures done. That took just about 3 hours....UGH, but they turned out good. We went back to my house to change clothes, pick up Caleb's cake and figure out what to do next. We ended up piling into my van and driving into the Mountains to Woodland Park to see the Dinosaur Museum and spent 3 hours there then off to IT'Z for a fun time. After that it was back to my house for presents and cake. He loved alot of the presents we all got him. I was glad to see him so happy for once. He even let me give him all the kisses I could handle, I was one VERY happy Aunt. I put alot more of the pictures on myspace if ya wanna see them.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

AJ's 1st big tournament of the season....

AJ had his 1st big tournament Saturday here in town. After sitting there for 8 hours it was finally over. It was a LONG day!!! But in the end he won 2 outta 5 games, but not enough to walk away with a trophy. His friend Philip and AJ got metals. We have 2 tournaments coming up in November so it will be a busy month for us. Lots of sitting around for me. Our coach is running one of next months tournaments I will be busy helping out with that, so hopefully it will go by fast. Here are a few pictures from Saturday......

AJ getting his metal...

AJ's Friend Philip getting his metal too....

Sorry the pictures didn't turn out well.....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Andrew's 1st ever birthday party for a friend from school....

They had the party at a great place called IT'Z. I posted last month about that place and the CTU day we attended. Joshua turned 6...all I hear now is "Mommy, when do I turn 6?" I told him in a's only 5 months away. We had a blast. They have a ride called the Kite Rider....I finally got on after the 3rd time visiting. I had a blast....

I took pictures of Andrew, Joshua and MJ. Even Mrs. Quintana came to the party with her daughter. She is expecting her second child in February if I am thinking right and she told me today they are having another girl and they are excited!!! She is such a sweetheart and Andrew just loves her. Here is a few more pictures of the fun that we least till my EX- SISTER IN LAW showed up. That stupid B*#^H!!!!

Joshua, Mrs. Quintana and her daughter

Joshua, Andrew and MJ eattin cake.....

The EVIL EX SISTER IN LAW!!!!! See, even her eyes glow!!! She was with the little girl in the picture...her step daughter.

Andrew and Candy, what a mess!!!! Thanks Daddy!!!

We went out Saturday night with my mom and brother to Cracker Barrel for dinner, since I was at there place helping them move most of the day. I went over today too and I am WAY SORE. I will pay for it tomorrow, but I better be able to move cause Andrew is attending his 1st birthday party for a friend at school....Sniff, Sniff... My baby is growing up and fast!!! When we were are Cracker Barrel for dinner, Marshall and Andrew went to pick out some candy. They got the 10 for $1 candy sticks they love so much and one just had to be a dark blue... I think it was Blueberry. Daddy let him have it to eat tonight after dinner and talk about a mess. His Tongue, teeth and face was all BLUE!!! I got his face cleaned up but just had to take a picture of the BLUE MOUTH!!! I just had to post it. I will be taking lots of pictures tomorrow night of the party and will get them up soon.....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just stoppin in to show off Andrews very first school picture....

Ok, I just LOVE his picture!!!! I am so very glad they turned out that good. I just want to kiss it. My baby is growing up.....and too fast. Today was his last day of school and he is officially on fall break. Anthony has school tomorrow and then he will be on break too. I love the idea of having some money to do something fun with the boys during their time off. Andrew got invited to his very 1st Birthday party....That is on Monday night. Talk about NO time to plan....but we are gonna go. I will take plenty of pictures within the next few weeks and will probably have lots to blog about.....

P.S. If you enlarge to picture, you will see that he put his shirt on backwards that day....OOPS!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Anthony's 1 st Chess Tournament of the season.....

Anthony had a small tournament yesterday with his chess league. He didn't do the best but it was a warm up as he calls it. Out of 11 kids in his group he placed 6th and got a nice Medal. His friend Philip placed 7th and got a medal, Blake his other friend got 4th place and walked away with a cute little trophy. Anthony and Blake stayed for the awards, but Philip had to go. We got Philips medal so Anthony can give it to him in school today. Not 2 bad guys....Keep up the great work.

Our Chess Schedule of tournament outside the Leagues personal ones:

October 11th   CSSCS #1  The Opening

November 8        CSSCS #2   The Main Variation

December 13        CSSCS #3   The Holiday Middlegame

January 10         CSSCS #4  The Holiday Transition 

February 14       CSSCS #5    The Pre-State Endgame

February 21-22    Colorado State Scholastic Championships  (Denver) THE BIG ONE!!!!